Twin Cities Portuguese Language Group

Friday, May 25, 2007


Originally uploaded by mardruck

This is MASP the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (São Paulo Art Museum). It's known for having the largest unsupported span under a building at the time it was built. In Portuguese the word span is "vão."

There's an interesting article explaining how Christopher Columbus went from being Cristofõm originally to Christopher in English and Cristóvão in Portuguese. This relates to the meaning of the word "vão." Good nerd reading.

Placa - Pode um negócio desse?

Placa - Pode um negócio desse?
Originally uploaded by mcouto

"Encher o saco" -- there's a great idiom. Literally "fill the sack" it generally means to bother someone. This warning sign says "Don't bug the drinkers."